A New View On Rapid Weight Loss

A New View on Rapid Weight Loss


Hamilton Erridge NLD

Recently a new set of research studies have looked at the ability of the human body to lose weight both safely and rapidly. According to Dr. Machael Dansinger, most well known for his work as the medical doctor on the Biggest Loser television show, losing weight rapidly can be done in a healthy manner for those that have a significant amount of weight to lose.

For example, when a 20 study participants were put on a low calorie portion controlled diet that also included daily exercise for 60 minutes and physician supervision the average weight loss per week was 10 pounds for the first month. The researchers reported no medical complications, and through lifestyle modification behaviors the individuals were able to keep the average of 40 pounds lost in the one-month time frame off for the entire study period of six months.


Another recent study highlighted the fact that losing weight is a matter of burning more calories than you eat, and as long as the vitamins, minerals, and protein your body needs are supplied, rapid weight loss can be done successfully and in a healthy manner. In this research study done at Harvard Medical School, 15 overweight individuals were put on a portion controlled liquid diet weight loss program providing all of the recommended daily allowances of vitamins, minerals, and protein. Coupled with 60 minutes of exercise five days per week the individuals were again able to lose an average of eight pounds per week for a total of 64 pounds over a two-month period.

According to the researchers of both studies a key to these boot camp type diets is making sure that after the weight is taken off that they are able to maintain the weight loss over the long-term.

Dr. Dansinger and the American Dietetic Association recommend that lifestyle change is the way to see long-term maintenance of weight loss goals. Using goals like weighing yourself daily and participating in a weight loss group whether in person, on the phone, or online have all shown to help sustain weight loss goals in individuals after the initial rapid weight loss has taken place.

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