How Alive Is Your Will?

Submitted by: Cally Rao

Remember the day you got your first paycheck? The stars were twinkling all over upon the skies in your head. Imagine ! Imagine new trainers , a new jacket, that trip , that and then one day the stars stood still there came Mary down the road , hair of gold and cheeks like cherries .Things were honey and nice for a while and then out of nowhere trouble s gremlins trooped in and their antics left your days in pieces . First,Papa had a heart attack .Then you lost your job.Uncle Bill died and ..and Aunt May lost her house to the bank.

There goes your will, now faint ,weary ,wobbly and stymied to stand up against the odds or battering. Once a tower of will , now rouble .Time after time , year on year, your will to be everything you wanted to be faced and continues to face getting whacked , whipped , lashed , smitten , stomped under foot and left practically writhing in the dust .If your will is left floundering there or perishes at anytime at the hands of an event and you resign yourself to staying there and keep being that way , what is, would there be , to live for ?


Winston Churchill who led an entire nation through one of it s gloomiest and darkest times , has this to say: Come on now all you young people all over the world. You are needed more than ever now to fill the gap of a generation shorn by the war.You have not an hour to lose.You must take your places in life s fighting lines .Raise the glorious flags again ; advance them upon the enemies who constantly gather upon the front of the human army and have only to be assaulted to be overthrown.Don t take no for an answer.Never submit to failure.Do not be fobbed off with mere personal success or acceptance.

[ YOUNG WINSTON. My Early Life ]

Your will is a very living thing , your battle axe against life s dinosaurs.You can get back on your feet and floor that bear of a thing or fears that have you which are rasping , hissing , whining and beating you into a corner. Another important question to ask is : How alive is your will today against what it was 10,15 years ago when you got your first paycheck or when Mary s smile lit up the skies or Matt s shark grin made the sharks blush? Unlike other things that age ,wither and get petered or jade away , your will doesn t and won t unless you decide to let it.

We all grew up with dreams. Those dreams never retire . They won t desert you unless your will , your own will has deserted you.There is an old proverb that s been bleating from time immemorial that if you faint or lose your will in any situation your strength will fail and with that you get to bury your future.It isn t fate that wants us to fail.Unless you keep your will alive all of your dreams just become puffs of smoke , gone to emptiness .

So pick yourself up and get back into the ring. Fall down seven times , get up the eighth! Or knocked out for seventy but up on your feet for the seventy first round.

About the Author: Cally Rao was a former Manufacturing Manager at an F 500 Company, is now a college instructor and passionately believes in individual entrepreneurism. She writes at :


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